
“You shouldn’t be drinking anything right now”

So I work at a fast food place and yesterday the night was busy because a different location shut down meaning we were the only location open in the area. My manger got super stressed about it. I’m the one taking orders for 6 hours straight no breaks and we’re getting slammed. Eventually I do catch a break and get a drink and take it to the back table and drink it. My manger gets on to me saying I shouldent be standing back there drinking and need to be working. It pissed me off. I also think she might of threw my drink away, then again I was busy and may have just misplaced it or thrown it out my self but it still pisses me off knowing my drink disappeared. I just got more drink and drank in the drive thru window when she was on her smoke…

So I work at a fast food place and yesterday the night was busy because a different location shut down meaning we were the only location open in the area. My manger got super stressed about it. I’m the one taking orders for 6 hours straight no breaks and we’re getting slammed. Eventually I do catch a break and get a drink and take it to the back table and drink it. My manger gets on to me saying I shouldent be standing back there drinking and need to be working. It pissed me off. I also think she might of threw my drink away, then again I was busy and may have just misplaced it or thrown it out my self but it still pisses me off knowing my drink disappeared. I just got more drink and drank in the drive thru window when she was on her smoke break. She’s also very frantic, and my anxiety goes up in this work place badly. All they care about is keep busy, don’t stand there etc. I make 11$ an hour and they want me working constant I just can’t stand it. And then my manger goes all you been doing is taking orders, she put a head set on and took it off in 5 seconds saying she couldn’t handle it. No sitting on the job. My last fast food job was so much more laid back then this, that place didn’t care

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