
you want better change?

You want to change things? Then register to vote. Get out and vote. You don't need to support a candidate, but you need to vote. And not just the federal level, every level. The only way to stop a dictator wannabe president is to elect proper people to Congress, your circuit judges and courts. Same goes for your state and local level elections. Vote pro-union, pro-choice, pro-education, what ever it doesn't matter nothing will change for the better with out our input. This thread has enough followers to spread the word. If we want change then it's as a collective whole need to work for it. (yeah I know it's work but it's work in a good way). We are all about collective bargaining for better wages and a better life, well let's fucking prove it. The current establishment is shit, and it don't get better for any of us…

You want to change things? Then register to vote. Get out and vote. You don't need to support a candidate, but you need to vote. And not just the federal level, every level. The only way to stop a dictator wannabe president is to elect proper people to Congress, your circuit judges and courts. Same goes for your state and local level elections.

Vote pro-union, pro-choice, pro-education, what ever it doesn't matter nothing will change for the better with out our input. This thread has enough followers to spread the word. If we want change then it's as a collective whole need to work for it. (yeah I know it's work but it's work in a good way).

We are all about collective bargaining for better wages and a better life, well let's fucking prove it. The current establishment is shit, and it don't get better for any of us unless we all band together, just like the work place.

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