
You want numbers? Ok fine.

I'm pissed so I apologize in advance for spelling errors etc etc) . I'm going to just let it all out today. I work for one of the bigger health insurance companies in the country. Kaiser Permanente. Our job is numbers numbers numbers. The commercials tout “Thrive, we care blah blah”. Let me assure you, it's all about money (yep a “non profit” who is making record profits or so we've been told) and numbers. The more mammograms, the more colonoscopies, the higher the end year ratings are is the ONLY goal. If someone dies because they have a prescription that is expensive and KP took them off that medication to save money that's just peachy. If sometime goes without a medical procedure that would make them productive and healthily its OK, because again saving money = making money. My job is delicate and if I release information I shouldn't…

I'm pissed so I apologize in advance for spelling errors etc etc)

. I'm going to just let it all out today. I work for one of the bigger health insurance companies in the country. Kaiser Permanente. Our job is numbers numbers numbers. The commercials tout “Thrive, we care blah blah”. Let me assure you, it's all about money (yep a “non profit” who is making record profits or so we've been told) and numbers.

The more mammograms, the more colonoscopies, the higher the end year ratings are is the ONLY goal. If someone dies because they have a prescription that is expensive and KP took them off that medication to save money that's just peachy. If sometime goes without a medical procedure that would make them productive and healthily its OK, because again saving money = making money.

My job is delicate and if I release information I shouldn't well I can lose my job and the company can be fined MILLIONS however, after being threatened with yet another write up today I've decided, if numbers is what they want numbers is what they'll get. 60 releases is the number. If you do it right you might get 25, but that ISN'T ENOUGH. Nope 60 is the goal. 60 is what it must be.

Ok fine. For the first time in my career I'm going to stop fighting and just hit the numbers. You want to take 20+ years of integrity and pride from me, I'll do you one even better. As of today my goal is 69.

Yes 69, if your gonna screw me out of my dignity and respect I'm going to give you exactly what you want and it'll come back and screw them as soon as they get an audit. If they come after me I have email after email telling me that I'm not hitting my numbers.

Well here you go. Enjoy your goddamn numbers.

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