
Your kid has a doctors appointment? So we have a meeting?

The front office scheduled a meeting 3 weeks ago, I scheduled my child’s appointment 2 1/2 months ago. I was told I’ll get pointed (disciplinary marks for unapproved absence. For any one that doesn’t work on a point system) if I miss the meeting cause “ it’s been a Scheduled for a while now” so now I have to use vacation on midnights shift for my sons doctors appointment that is during normal business hours. Some one make it make sense…

The front office scheduled a meeting 3 weeks ago, I scheduled my child’s appointment 2 1/2 months ago. I was told I’ll get pointed (disciplinary marks for unapproved absence. For any one that doesn’t work on a point system) if I miss the meeting cause “ it’s been a Scheduled for a while now” so now I have to use vacation on midnights shift for my sons doctors appointment that is during normal business hours. Some one make it make sense…

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