
Your thoughts

After following this subreddit for some time now. I was thinking about what feeling most people have regarding we deserve better and people in higher position don't appreciate us enough. Is this a feeling of greed or envy ? Being in a less fortunate position is tough and I am not undermining that. Is this generation mostly envious of the boomers ? They had it easy for sure. But before that was the silent generation that lived a very tough time as well. Life isn't usually easy The boomers were dealt unusual good hand. We are back to the normal tough life things have always been and we are just envious because we see how much better it could have been, but we have not seen how much worse it was even before that. Just my thoughts .

After following this subreddit for some time now. I was thinking about what feeling most people have regarding we deserve better and people in higher position don't appreciate us enough. Is this a feeling of greed or envy ? Being in a less fortunate position is tough and I am not undermining that. Is this generation mostly envious of the boomers ? They had it easy for sure. But before that was the silent generation that lived a very tough time as well. Life isn't usually easy The boomers were dealt unusual good hand. We are back to the normal tough life things have always been and we are just envious because we see how much better it could have been, but we have not seen how much worse it was even before that.

Just my thoughts .

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