
Your work or your health?

Earlier this week, I wrote a post about how my company that deals in Personalized Healthcare really is dealing in Personalized Denial of Healthcare – at least for me, their employee. Funny thing is that Medicaid would pay for the procedure I need. Oh, I’d have to go through their hoops for coverage, but I’d at least get the care I need. But giving up my pay, a job I really do enjoy and know well, and otherwise decent insurance – to make sure I don’t die? Why do I have to pick between these?

Earlier this week, I wrote a post about how my company that deals in Personalized Healthcare really is dealing in Personalized Denial of Healthcare – at least for me, their employee.
Funny thing is that Medicaid would pay for the procedure I need. Oh, I’d have to go through their hoops for coverage, but I’d at least get the care I need.

But giving up my pay, a job I really do enjoy and know well, and otherwise decent insurance – to make sure I don’t die? Why do I have to pick between these?

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