
“You’re lucky to be making $30k at your age.”

Says my 72 year old boss. Bro what the fuck? You don't get to pay me based on my age. You pay me based on my experience. You hired me knowing full and well I have 13 years of experience and I'm under 30. Younger doesn't mean cheaper. I have kids and a mortgage, so you either fucking pay me what I want or I leave. It's simple math. Then he tells me he knows he can't replace me. Cool so you'll be incentivizing me staying? No of course not. Brb, updating the resume.

Says my 72 year old boss. Bro what the fuck? You don't get to pay me based on my age. You pay me based on my experience. You hired me knowing full and well I have 13 years of experience and I'm under 30. Younger doesn't mean cheaper. I have kids and a mortgage, so you either fucking pay me what I want or I leave. It's simple math.

Then he tells me he knows he can't replace me. Cool so you'll be incentivizing me staying? No of course not.

Brb, updating the resume.

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