
1/2 year notice period

Joined a company year ago and was immediately givem a lot more responsibilities than described in interviews and offer letter. But small company, startupish environment, I liked the place gladly took it on. Did well on review got so so raise/bonus. But change in mgmt so prior contribution recognized but not nearly as valued coming into this year. Tee up a whole slew of resignations causing panic. Management wants some of us to go onto SIX month notice period. They dont realize that just triggered my immediate and accelerated job search. The unilateral change is illegal and I don't have to sign anything but it feels like a betrayal espcially because I took on more tasks of other incompetent people. Incompetent people let go with the contractual severance. Almost feels like comptence is being punished because 6 months is life changing in a bad way. Anyhow just thought this sub…

Joined a company year ago and was immediately givem a lot more responsibilities than described in interviews and offer letter. But small company, startupish environment, I liked the place gladly took it on. Did well on review got so so raise/bonus. But change in mgmt so prior contribution recognized but not nearly as valued coming into this year. Tee up a whole slew of resignations causing panic. Management wants some of us to go onto SIX month notice period. They dont realize that just triggered my immediate and accelerated job search. The unilateral change is illegal and I don't have to sign anything but it feels like a betrayal espcially because I took on more tasks of other incompetent people. Incompetent people let go with the contractual severance. Almost feels like comptence is being punished because 6 months is life changing in a bad way. Anyhow just thought this sub woudl appreciate this story.

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