
10 hour shifts with only a 30 minute break.

I’ve been working at a wildlife rehabilitation center for almost a year now and at the beginning I loved it, it’s an incredible job to have. I accepted the fact I was being paid minimum wage because the job I had before was misery (I worked at a grocery store). This job is not easy, it can be dangerous and I’ve witnessed people get injured on the job. People have quit the job, senior staff have left and now we’re short staffed. I work 40 hours a week there and the shifts are 10 hours long. Apparently we’re entitled to only a 30 minute break. I constantly hear senior staff say “sometimes I don’t get a break because we’re so busy”. And I feel like I’m the only person who thinks that’s insanity? I’m already starting to feel burnt out from this job, and I take as many breaks as…

I’ve been working at a wildlife rehabilitation center for almost a year now and at the beginning I loved it, it’s an incredible job to have. I accepted the fact I was being paid minimum wage because the job I had before was misery (I worked at a grocery store). This job is not easy, it can be dangerous and I’ve witnessed people get injured on the job. People have quit the job, senior staff have left and now we’re short staffed. I work 40 hours a week there and the shifts are 10 hours long. Apparently we’re entitled to only a 30 minute break. I constantly hear senior staff say “sometimes I don’t get a break because we’re so busy”. And I feel like I’m the only person who thinks that’s insanity? I’m already starting to feel burnt out from this job, and I take as many breaks as I need. I’m looking for work elsewhere but my anxiety/depression is making it difficult for me. I wish I could just quit and take a break from working but I have bills I have to pay. Another thing that’s annoying is that in order to get a day off you have to find someone to switch shifts with…you can’t simply request the day off. It’s stressful.
This job is definitely the coolest one I’ve ever had but damn it’s physically and mentally exhausting…and all for minimum wage.

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