
10ish year old at a grocery store

I went to a local grocery store in a fairly wealthy town tonight. 8:30 on a school night. There’s a child who’s definitely way too young to be working bagging groceries. The cashier sees that my gf and I made a face at each other when we realized that a sleepy looking kid is bagging our stuff and said “That’s my managers daughter, we’re short staffed so they brought their kid in. She does a good job.” What the actual fuck?? It’s not hard to bag your own groceries… that kid should have been in bed. The store was open for another hour too.

I went to a local grocery store in a fairly wealthy town tonight. 8:30 on a school night. There’s a child who’s definitely way too young to be working bagging groceries. The cashier sees that my gf and I made a face at each other when we realized that a sleepy looking kid is bagging our stuff and said “That’s my managers daughter, we’re short staffed so they brought their kid in. She does a good job.”

What the actual fuck?? It’s not hard to bag your own groceries… that kid should have been in bed. The store was open for another hour too.

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