
110 Degree day and being disrespected immediately

My day started today at the dealership I work at being told to wash all the vehicles on the lot with our wash truck. The temperature was about 90 at the time with very high humidity. Dreading the heat I was about to face I brought our wash truck over and got about halfway done with rinsing cars when a manager stormed out and said “what your doing now isn't good enough, you need to go back and redo them and Scrub them this time.” I was already sweating my ass off so I started to wind up the hose to put it on the truck to drive back to the start and he goes “Oh so what now your done? What's your problem today?” I was kind of shocked with that shit response and I explained to him that “I'm the only one out here doing this in 100…

My day started today at the dealership I work at being told to wash all the vehicles on the lot with our wash truck. The temperature was about 90 at the time with very high humidity. Dreading the heat I was about to face I brought our wash truck over and got about halfway done with rinsing cars when a manager stormed out and said “what your doing now isn't good enough, you need to go back and redo them and Scrub them this time.” I was already sweating my ass off so I started to wind up the hose to put it on the truck to drive back to the start and he goes “Oh so what now your done? What's your problem today?” I was kind of shocked with that shit response and I explained to him that “I'm the only one out here doing this in 100 degree weather (that was the feels like, at 1pm it was 110 degrees) and I thought it was unfair that they chose today to do this. (Being the hottest day and the day my department is short staffed) and quite frankly it's to hot to do this shit” and he responded with “out of everyone here in this company, you always complain the most and bitch about every little thing you have to do and I don't actually understand and I'm pretty astounded that you did 6 years in the military.” Which in my eyes completely disrespected me and came at my throat. I walked away to continue my work, it wasn't worth arguing about it. If I didn't need money I would of left.

I returned back to get the things I needed to rewash the vehicles and another manager went up in the mean time after over hearing the conversation and called him out and the GM about it. The GM and the shitty manager ended up coming out to “help wash the vehicles but after 3 cars the shitty manager left. He would come out every now and then and act like nothing happened and say “how fun washing cars was”. I'm still really angry that he came at me personally. He's done this before with my other coworkers and is very demeaning towards alot of people. I can't decide if I want to just transfer or start going to HR about it. I just feel so disrespected and I don't understand why he immediately came after me when I was working my ass off in super hot Temps doing work that could of waited for a cooler day.

Anyone have any tips to get past this feeling I'm having?
I'm hardly making enough to keep afloat and I keep getting disrespected and treated like shit.

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