
$12/hour. Treated like I’m the dogshit on the bottom of their shoe.

I’m a sterilization tech at a dental office and I’m so done. My office is a shitshow. We’re way overbooked and understaffed. My “supervisor” has never once spoken to me like I’m an adult human being. Promises of extra training, opportunities for professional growth and pay raises have never happened. I get blamed for shit that happens when I’m not even there. I do a damn good job because I care about doing it right and I care about my professional reputation. I’m super nice to our patients. In return I get shit on. For $12 an hour. How much notice do I give? 2 weeks? 2 days? 2 minutes? (I’m in a right to work state, so it doesn’t matter, really.)

I’m a sterilization tech at a dental office and I’m so done.

My office is a shitshow. We’re way overbooked and understaffed. My “supervisor” has never once spoken to me like I’m an adult human being. Promises of extra training, opportunities for professional growth and pay raises have never happened. I get blamed for shit that happens when I’m not even there. I do a damn good job because I care about doing it right and I care about my professional reputation. I’m super nice to our patients.

In return I get shit on. For $12 an hour.

How much notice do I give? 2 weeks? 2 days? 2 minutes? (I’m in a right to work state, so it doesn’t matter, really.)

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