
14 jobs since I was 13

I was raised in a cult, pretty much anything and everything that is far alt right + fundamentalist Baptist would be what I was apart of but all wrapped into a nice cult. I was raised that women stayed home and made babies while their men went to work. My dad was an abusive lazy fuck who barely bought us the clothes we needed and food was always short, if course he was a boomer and him and his narcissistic brother would always be like “kids these days don't want to work”, I didn't want to be like that so I worked really really hard, but also didn't understand money, so I always got paid shit or people would forget to pay me. It's almost part of my story to tell people that I had a couple of jobs when I was a teen but overall my dad wouldn't let…

I was raised in a cult, pretty much anything and everything that is far alt right + fundamentalist Baptist would be what I was apart of but all wrapped into a nice cult. I was raised that women stayed home and made babies while their men went to work. My dad was an abusive lazy fuck who barely bought us the clothes we needed and food was always short, if course he was a boomer and him and his narcissistic brother would always be like “kids these days don't want to work”, I didn't want to be like that so I worked really really hard, but also didn't understand money, so I always got paid shit or people would forget to pay me.

It's almost part of my story to tell people that I had a couple of jobs when I was a teen but overall my dad wouldn't let me work. But then I have been so invalidated by close family recently about my experience in the work force about what I deserve for pay, etc. So yesterday after having a memory about a job I'd forgotten I had when I was 14/15 I decided to write out all of the jobs that I had that paid money plus how many years I was at those jobs. I had 14 jobs that I could remember since the age of 13, I'm 33, if course a lot of them were part time, but so entailed working 40-50hrs a week and most of them continued into adulthood so I could make ends meet for the family. On top of all of that I had to keep house for my dad and raise and homeschool my siblings. I have more job experience than everyone I know, yet often get treated by those closest to me like I don't have much experience in the work force. This realization has made me just want to quit.

I honestly just came here to bitch.

fuckcapitalism #fuckchildlabor

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