
16yo niece got her first job at fast food and one parent is mad. thoughts?

For context she got a job because she wanted the new iphone/ a lot of other expensive items. Raised by a single parent while the other jumped partner to partner doing drugs. Skipping close to 10 years of her life. The parent that's mad was the one on drugs. Edit for clarification. Mad parent is upset saying the child should have to get a job, that the other parent should be buying them whatevery they want. Isn't paying child support either.

For context she got a job because she wanted the new iphone/ a lot of other expensive items. Raised by a single parent while the other jumped partner to partner doing drugs. Skipping close to 10 years of her life. The parent that's mad was the one on drugs.

Edit for clarification. Mad parent is upset saying the child should have to get a job, that the other parent should be buying them whatevery they want. Isn't paying child support either.

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