A few months from University this 18 year old boy was approached and offered an assistant manager position. I explained that I was alright as a part-timer so I could focus on school.
Well, I guess that was taken as an insult and for the next three months store management did everything to dick with me, hours, raises, vailed threats. I placed my two week notice.
On my first day off the job, I got a call wondering why I didn’t show for my shift. Yesterday was my last day.
Showed for my last check. Vacation hours weren’t paid out. They claimed I never put in my two weeks and I was fired for using foul language with customers.
Photo on my phone of my notice changed their tune. I was given $350 in gift cards, which at the time could be cashed out…so I cashed them out. Fuck off Retail and fuck off Target.
To this day if they ask me if I want a credit card and I see a manager looking over the poor cashiers back, I make a big deal over how I don’t want a card and the cashier shouldn’t fear the micromanager breathing over their shoulder. This usually makes the managers face blush and I hope they reconsider the BS they push on the part-timers.