
2 minutes late from lunch

I'll do my best to make this short. At work we get a one hour lunch break. It takes me about 8 minutes to walk from my work area to my truck for lunch. (no break room) My foreman insists we all leave as a group but sometimes the guys aren't ready to go until 1pm when our lunch starts. But my foreman expects us back in the work area by 2pm. Today I got to my truck at 1:05 and left my truck at about 1:59. Well I got to the work area at 2:07pm with a coworker and my foreman looked pretty mad. He told me I was late. Which I was. By 2 minutes. But he argued I was about 10 minutes late. Well an argument broke out because I felt I was being cheated out of the 1hr lunch. He yelled at me in front of…

I'll do my best to make this short.

At work we get a one hour lunch break. It takes me about 8 minutes to walk from my work area to my truck for lunch. (no break room)

My foreman insists we all leave as a group but sometimes the guys aren't ready to go until 1pm when our lunch starts. But my foreman expects us back in the work area by 2pm.

Today I got to my truck at 1:05 and left my truck at about 1:59. Well I got to the work area at 2:07pm with a coworker and my foreman looked pretty mad. He told me I was late. Which I was. By 2 minutes. But he argued I was about 10 minutes late. Well an argument broke out because I felt I was being cheated out of the 1hr lunch. He yelled at me in front of the whole crew but I wasn't backing down and letting him belittle me in front of my coworkers.

I said something about companies being legally obligated to give workers a break. But I found out that federal laws state employers are not required to give breaks or lunch breaks. This blew my mind. I researched this after our argument, but I was honestly shocked. It's sad to me that companies can work you like a dog without any percussions other than employees quitting.

My foreman threatened to send me home because I was “arguing” with him. But he doesn't have the authority to do this. So it was kind of funny to me. Either way. I kept working and things went on as normal.

Should I request to go to a different crew? Should I just stick it out with this foreman? He also tends to try and yell at me when he's mad even if he's mad at someone else. Even my co-workers are late but he doesn't yell at them like he does me. In all honesty, I'm really not a piece of shit worker and have never had issues with breaks before working with this foreman. Been at it for 3.5 years too.

Edit: forgot to mention. He cancelled a crew wide safety meeting because of this whole ordeal too.

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