
2 of my friends and I shut down the first company we worked at.

Our first year out of college, me and 2 friends of mine got accepted to work at the same marketing agency as designers. We were all approached by this company along with a few of our other peers and although we found wit strange that they had 3 positions available we were not surprised that we were chosen as we were all extremely qualified. The company in question was a digital branch within a bigger company and they told us that they were expanding. Once we were initiated and got to work, we were killing it and they began taking on new clients. We were so efficient, in fact, that we were getting told to slow down because they couldn’t check all our work at the rate we were completing it. Because of all the increased overseas clients and the time difference, we began working overtime almost every day with…

Our first year out of college, me and 2 friends of mine got accepted to work at the same marketing agency as designers. We were all approached by this company along with a few of our other peers and although we found wit strange that they had 3 positions available we were not surprised that we were chosen as we were all extremely qualified. The company in question was a digital branch within a bigger company and they told us that they were expanding. Once we were initiated and got to work, we were killing it and they began taking on new clients. We were so efficient, in fact, that we were getting told to slow down because they couldn’t check all our work at the rate we were completing it. Because of all the increased overseas clients and the time difference, we began working overtime almost every day with no overtime pay. There were 8 designers at the time and one designer who was there before we joined resigned shortly after. Her replacement was someone we also knew from college and over the next 4 months of being overworked and underpayed we planned to all resign at the end of the year. The longer we stayed, the longer the hours became and after not receiving a pay-raise I decided to resign. My replacement was so bad that she was let go a week later. My two friends and our colleague we knew from college all left in the span of 2 weeks. Although we attempted to leave on good terms we received very harsh emails about our commitment and loyalty. Shortly after, we read a post on LinkedIn that explained how the digital branch couldn’t keep up with the clients and they were going to merge with the bigger company, and now they basically no longer exist. One of the lead designers tried to contact me and my mate about an opportunity and we instantly blocked him and moved on.

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