
2 people left the department , so I stepped up to help out the company.

For months, I worked 3 different roles due to people leaving for better jobs or getting fired. I worked on my days off, holidays, and after I got off of work. I was told no one was getting a raise due to company performance a year before (2021). They then promised a raise in 2022. I found out certain people did get raises in 2021 however. I was livid. I thought they would certainly give me the raise I deserve. Come review time I was told I was borderline in performance or scored 2/4. I would not be getting the raise everyone else was getting. I was dumbfounded. Due to a shift in how the company was being run, our department directly affected the bottom line of the company. Our performance enabled the company to have record profits. I was working my ass off on days I was supposed to…

For months, I worked 3 different roles due to people leaving for better jobs or getting fired. I worked on my days off, holidays, and after I got off of work. I was told no one was getting a raise due to company performance a year before (2021). They then promised a raise in 2022. I found out certain people did get raises in 2021 however. I was livid. I thought they would certainly give me the raise I deserve. Come review time I was told I was borderline in performance or scored 2/4. I would not be getting the raise everyone else was getting. I was dumbfounded. Due to a shift in how the company was being run, our department directly affected the bottom line of the company. Our performance enabled the company to have record profits. I was working my ass off on days I was supposed to be off. I'm in a supervisory position, so if I hadn't scheduled the work, nothing would have been done. I literally opened my laptop Christmas day and worked. Needless to say, I left the review and immediately updated my resume. Fast forward 2 months, and I have a job offer. Can't wait to give my two weeks, which will be as soon as the letter is sent by HR.

TLDR: got taken advantage of for my work ethic and got screwed over, but finally getting mine.

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