
2-Weeks Notice. What’s That?

I have seen a fair share of posts regarding Employers wanting or requiring a two week notice before you resign or leave. I am here to remind you all that, (in caps). TWO WEEKS NOTICE IS NOT MANDATORY NOR IS IT REQUIRED. (YMMV) The two-week notice is a small form of gesture but not required by any means. “Most Employers” can fire you at will and so why should employees have to give a notice that they are leaving? Just use the same tactic on them. If they ask why you're leaving, just do what employers do and come up with some lame excuse and don't give them a legitimate reason. They give lame reasons or no reasons at all to why they fired you and so why should you treat said employers any different? Your boss or upper management got angry that an employee left without giving notice and…

I have seen a fair share of posts regarding Employers wanting or requiring a two week notice before you resign or leave. I am here to remind you all that, (in caps).


The two-week notice is a small form of gesture but not required by any means. “Most Employers” can fire you at will and so why should employees have to give a notice that they are leaving? Just use the same tactic on them. If they ask why you're leaving, just do what employers do and come up with some lame excuse and don't give them a legitimate reason. They give lame reasons or no reasons at all to why they fired you and so why should you treat said employers any different?

Your boss or upper management got angry that an employee left without giving notice and now they are requiring all employees to give a 3-Month notice plus training? Don't even bother with that, you are not required by any means or law to give a reason for leaving. Are they asking for you to train the next person coming in before you leave? Either just leave or give them an invoice of how much it will cost per hour to train said employee. If they resist or reject, just leave. Their loss and they will have to train them on their own.

One last thing, if an Employer reaches out to you to fill out a resignation form, “Don't”. Make them fire you instead. If they continue to mass spam you with text messages, emails about resignation, save all those written forms of communication to use for unemployment. Why? When you file for unemployment, employers will try to give the unemployment office that said employee resigned. With the paper trail you gathered, this can be used as evidence that the employer is lying and you should be able to get unemployment then. If you absolutely need to resign for personal reasons, that choice is on you. Otherwise, make them fire you.

  • Recruiters are not your friend. They are only doing their job to make commission by telling you lies left and right. (YMMV)
  • Human Resources is not your friend.
  • Your Boss is not your friend.
  • Your managers are not your friend. (YMMV)
  • They may act nice, but deep inside they just don't give a crap about you but themselves.
  • If you absolutely must, bring down their reputation (if said employer is trash tier). (YMMV)

That is all. I hope (even if a little bit), I hope this bit of information helps you all out.

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