
20 hour shift just to be called back in 4 hours later

I work for a moving company,which will remain nameless,but they sent me on a acreage move in -40 with one truck,and a swamper on light duties,it took me from 8am till 4am the next day to get everything done,I was running all night,doing everything I could just to stay warm,and when I finally finished,got back to the shop and went home,it wasn't even four hours later at 8am I was getting a call from my dispatch all mad because I missed my scheduled shift

I work for a moving company,which will remain nameless,but they sent me on a acreage move in -40 with one truck,and a swamper on light duties,it took me from 8am till 4am the next day to get everything done,I was running all night,doing everything I could just to stay warm,and when I finally finished,got back to the shop and went home,it wasn't even four hours later at 8am I was getting a call from my dispatch all mad because I missed my scheduled shift

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