
2022: Im taking my time this summer, Independent Contractor. If the quasi-illegitimate Supreme Court ‘Citizens United’ thinks Corp are People, then People are Corporations. OJO GOP/DEMs

Yo. If Citizens United determined that corporations = people then it only makes sense to me that Das Human Kapital = Corp, and we should be able to derive the same accounting benefits. Multi nationals incorporate in Ireland, Cayman Islands, and I dont blame them for avoiding taxes but for the peps earning a “salary” especially at a level that doesnt pay the bills, I feel way too vulnerable to some income tax that pays for what? I feel super undefended here. This is taxation wo representation and last time that happened, something with the Stamp Act and dumping chests of tea in Boston’s wannabe Bal Harbor. Im just saying if Citizens United is getting upheld at this toxic obnoxious level, then reconfigure the accounting because I can do mathematics very well, and the summation makes no sense. Ill pay taxes AFTER expenses are paid. Guys, I think I just…

Yo. If Citizens United determined that corporations = people then it only makes sense to me that Das Human Kapital = Corp, and we should be able to derive the same accounting benefits.

Multi nationals incorporate in Ireland, Cayman Islands, and I dont blame them for avoiding taxes but for the peps earning a “salary” especially at a level that doesnt pay the bills, I feel way too vulnerable to some income tax that pays for what? I feel super undefended here. This is taxation wo representation and last time that happened, something with the Stamp Act and dumping chests of tea in Boston’s wannabe Bal Harbor.

Im just saying if Citizens United is getting upheld at this toxic obnoxious level, then reconfigure the accounting because I can do mathematics very well, and the summation makes no sense. Ill pay taxes AFTER expenses are paid. Guys, I think I just solved the ‘cant avoid death & taxes’ trope.

Now the only thing I fear is death. Fear is the mind killer and mine has been made an impregnable, impenetrable fortress.

I Dare them. i double d.a.r.e. them in 2022. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. This is the United States of Amerika after-all and this goes beyond arbitrarily borders. This is worldwide. We da best peps, stay protected. Your obedient servant, O.G.

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