My colleague and friend, “A”, was forced to resign last year after working in my department for 22 years. She had a progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis and died on September 11th. The stress of losing a job she loved and the income she depended on contributed to her early death.
She was only 49. Because she was forced out she lost her pension and couldn’t afford her life insurance premiums. Her pension was only available to her if she made it to 58 1/2 and beneficiaries aren’t allowed. She died applying for disability before it could be granted.
“A” has a 16 year old son who is now without a mom. I’m without my friend and the world lost a bright and beautiful person. I lay my friends premature death at the feet of the senior director of my department.
“A” fought for her mobility and independence but couldn’t fight the corporate bull$hit thrown at her. She was devoted to all the Emergency Department physicians she worked with as part of her job. I only wish her employer could have been as devoted to her as she was to them.