
3 bad calls made by district managers

As much as I hate to write this on here. I just figure you guys love it. I been working with Fred Meyers for about a month. Got 4 days training. Don't blame em. They have no one in the dept. That trained me. I did say I had experience in said dept 5 years ago. Anyways. I have been alone by myself since 5 am. Next person comes in at 8 am. I did the wall that I was supposed to do. Mark downs and pull things. Took me about 2 hours. Did grab and go. 30 minutes not bad. Cook gets here at 8. This is where shit hits the fan. Cook. Never did the cook stuff. She had her hours switched with the cook. She was the closer. I got on my break. I spot a manager we talk and I tell him this. He says he'll…

As much as I hate to write this on here. I just figure you guys love it. I been working with Fred Meyers for about a month. Got 4 days training. Don't blame em. They have no one in the dept. That trained me. I did say I had experience in said dept 5 years ago. Anyways. I have been alone by myself since 5 am. Next person comes in at 8 am. I did the wall that I was supposed to do. Mark downs and pull things. Took me about 2 hours. Did grab and go. 30 minutes not bad. Cook gets here at 8.

This is where shit hits the fan. Cook. Never did the cook stuff. She had her hours switched with the cook. She was the closer. I got on my break. I spot a manager we talk and I tell him this. He says he'll talk to her. He has her fry product and do roasters. No training. Nothing. Neither of us really knew how. New ovens too.

Then the fryer breaks. So now we can't do fried food. It's now 9am. 5 seconds prior to this. DM 2 tells me to do out second wall. I look at him and the PIC next to him and shook my head. I told him that there is 2 people in the deli. 1 person has their hands in raw chicken and can't help people and I'm doing everything else and simply don't have time right now. I'll do it at 12 when the next person gets there.

Person who trained me walks in and is pretty much pissed that I'm not doing things as good as she was with about a single month under my belt. Oh. And did I forget to mention that on top of all of that. I had a load come in with no place to put it. Ya. Best day ever guys. (We have 5 people in the dept. In 2 weeks. Not a single person getting hired anytime soon. Hope they don't want things done :D)

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