
3-months notice sucks sometimes

So in the country I live, 3 months notice (both ways) is very standard, even when offered a new job, they know they have to wait 3 months until you start and if they were to fire you, same rule, they have to give you 3 months notice on that. I got a way better job so I handed in my resignation, the issue is, I’m despising every minute of it now. It was cool in the beginning, like I was finishing up my projects and stuff but I ran out of stuff to do… there is a huge backlog which I can’t work on because I’m being held back from other departments and they have simply have down prioritized it, while I’m still accountable to deliver them before I leave because they are “important”… then my opinions on matters in my department (I’m literally a one-man department) are dismissed…

So in the country I live, 3 months notice (both ways) is very standard, even when offered a new job, they know they have to wait 3 months until you start and if they were to fire you, same rule, they have to give you 3 months notice on that.

I got a way better job so I handed in my resignation, the issue is, I’m despising every minute of it now. It was cool in the beginning, like I was finishing up my projects and stuff but I ran out of stuff to do… there is a huge backlog which I can’t work on because I’m being held back from other departments and they have simply have down prioritized it, while I’m still accountable to deliver them before I leave because they are “important”… then my opinions on matters in my department (I’m literally a one-man department) are dismissed though I’m the only one with actual experience on it (they think they’re sutil but they aren’t).

I’m now caught in a position where I’m being micro managed (getting daily morning messages asking me what’s going to be my prio for that day kind of micromanagement), rushed to finish projects while at the same time not being able to get any work done due to just not getting the proper priority I need from other departments.

Of course, I shouldn’t be worried about these things so much as this won’t be my problem anymore in a few weeks but I can’t help feeling stressed. I guess any advise is highly appreciated but mostly I just wanted to vent it out. Cheers!

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