I'm 37 and I live in the UK. I currently 'earn' about £1000 a month doing absolutely nothing. This is more than enough to support myself. I am also a fully qualified tree surgeon so I can occasionally work for cash without paying tax if I want to (but I rarely do). I have accumulated everything I need ie large 4k tv, games consoles, gaming pc etc through taking out loans and credit cards which I will never ever pay back. I have never been very interested in work. I used to work a lot and it made me so unhappy but now I can do what I like when I like. I can ride my bike into the forest, swim in the sea, take long walks along the Jurassic coast (I live on the south coast) and I have never been happier. Some of my friends take the piss a bit but really they're just jealous of my sedentary lifestyle. Being idle is the only way for me. I am currently working out how I can keep the same money but 'retire' to Cambodia or Thailand but I will need to iron out a few details before I can get that plan to work. Happy idling everyone!
Edit: I have only just joined this sub and have noticed how many posts there are about working and work related things. I feel dirty even typing the words. So I thought I should post a nice anti work morale booster.