
4 antiwork facts

any company that has to have workers within a geographic location is vulnerable to strikes and unions. this means “last mile” locations like warehouses, stores, and restaurants are more unionizable than things that can be outsourced like knowledge work and production. people in india can do paperwork as well as people in the USA but for a fraction of the price. same goes with manufacturing with some caveats. but people in india can't load trucks for a company in america. companies are willing to actually kill people involved in labor movements if it make sense financially. they will literally run a cost-benefit analysis to decide if killing an enemy figurehead is worth it. thus it is actually dangerous to be too much of a figurehead. they will try to manufacture blackmail material on you, hire prostitutes to say you raped them, get multiple people to all testify against you, etc.…

any company that has to have workers within a geographic location is vulnerable to strikes and unions. this means “last mile” locations like warehouses, stores, and restaurants are more unionizable than things that can be outsourced like knowledge work and production. people in india can do paperwork as well as people in the USA but for a fraction of the price. same goes with manufacturing with some caveats. but people in india can't load trucks for a company in america.

companies are willing to actually kill people involved in labor movements if it make sense financially. they will literally run a cost-benefit analysis to decide if killing an enemy figurehead is worth it. thus it is actually dangerous to be too much of a figurehead. they will try to manufacture blackmail material on you, hire prostitutes to say you raped them, get multiple people to all testify against you, etc. if you are completely untouchable morally they will actually kill you and it will look like a car crash, a heart attack, or a sudden cancer.

the government is anti-labor. decades of amoral neo-liberal policies at all levels of government have entrenched this on a very institutional level. to the government and most paperpushers, anything that lowers productivity is seen as bad and possibly immoral. maternity leave, longer weekends, better benefits, etc, are all going to make the usa “fall behind” and thus are seen as plaques to be cleared out.

automation will destroy knowledge work jobs first. it will take much longer to deploy actual robots to do skilled labor at every location in the country than it will take to deploy a single AI that can do everything a lawyer, accountant, or doctor can do. plan accordingly

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