
4 day week test results: SUCCESS

Global 4-day week pilot was a huge success, organizers say | CNN Business A global 6 month test to see if a 4 day work week can be implemented has been a success. 0% of employers in the test want to go back to a 5 day work week. 90% of employees want to stay in 4 day work week On average, businesses saw a 38% increase in revenue at the end of the test. All measured negative rates improved: lowered tiredness, lowered stress, lowered sick days used, etc. Positive measures also improved, productivity saw a share increase, mental health improved, etc.

Global 4-day week pilot was a huge success, organizers say | CNN Business

A global 6 month test to see if a 4 day work week can be implemented has been a success.

0% of employers in the test want to go back to a 5 day work week.

90% of employees want to stay in 4 day work week

On average, businesses saw a 38% increase in revenue at the end of the test.

All measured negative rates improved: lowered tiredness, lowered stress, lowered sick days used, etc.

Positive measures also improved, productivity saw a share increase, mental health improved, etc.

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