
4 interviews, a presentation, and months of my time and the company just ghosts me

I'm so sick of interviewing for jobs I don't even want, putting on an act. I am qualified, I am polite, I speak & interview well, and these companies literally complain mid-interview that they can't find anyone. This is my third company I've gotten 3+ interviews with, my fourth that's asked me to do a “project” or “presentation” and all but one of those companies have just ghosted. I'm sick of it! How can they tell me I'm a perfect fit, tell me start dates, have me do interview after interview over the course of literally months and then not even have the decency to let me know I didn't get the job?!

I'm so sick of interviewing for jobs I don't even want, putting on an act. I am qualified, I am polite, I speak & interview well, and these companies literally complain mid-interview that they can't find anyone. This is my third company I've gotten 3+ interviews with, my fourth that's asked me to do a “project” or “presentation” and all but one of those companies have just ghosted.

I'm sick of it! How can they tell me I'm a perfect fit, tell me start dates, have me do interview after interview over the course of literally months and then not even have the decency to let me know I didn't get the job?!

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