
4 years is…over

So I worked same company, same store for little over 4 years. I remember when I started it was everything. Good coworkers, good management…even someone I could love(until I messed up). But it’s been a week since my store was closed. I’ll admit my new GM is leeps & bounds better then my old GM…hell I was better then my old GM. She was merely brought in to kill the store. She was the death blow to my store. Now I’m at a new store & I can’t help but laugh. My GM got relocated too. To another weak store. The owner isn’t stupid but i garauntee within 5-6 months she’ll kill that store too. Only difference is me. She doesn’t have anyone there that says go do your meeting I’ll hold the fort down. In that idea she’s going to expose the fraud she is. It’ll take me a…

So I worked same company, same store for little over 4 years. I remember when I started it was everything. Good coworkers, good management…even someone I could love(until I messed up). But it’s been a week since my store was closed. I’ll admit my new GM is leeps & bounds better then my old GM…hell I was better then my old GM. She was merely brought in to kill the store. She was the death blow to my store. Now I’m at a new store & I can’t help but laugh. My GM got relocated too. To another weak store. The owner isn’t stupid but i garauntee within 5-6 months she’ll kill that store too. Only difference is me. She doesn’t have anyone there that says go do your meeting I’ll hold the fort down. In that idea she’s going to expose the fraud she is. It’ll take me a while to get used to my new store but History always repeats & im back to management. Im back to worrying more about my employees then me. I always land on my feet. I got a call from my old GM last night saying they wanted my store key. She truly is oblivious!! Let’s get one thing straight she ain’t my GM anymore so she was lucky I even answered her call. Second I don’t respond to demands. I’m not a dog. They’ll get their key when I’m ready. Most importantly she doesn’t realize they were worried someone would make a copy of their key a while back. That someone is ME! I made a copy with the explicit idea of go ahead piss me off…I’ll ruin you.

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