
40-45k euros salary in Europe vs 70-80k dollars salary in the United States: which one would you pick if you could?

So it doesn't sound like a super anti-work thread, but I see people mentioning this kind of subject (EU vs NA salaries), and I was wondering: if you could move to a decent major Western European country and to a big city (not necessarily Paris or London mind you, you could go for something cheaper), with a BA and a MA in your pocket, would you accept a lower salary? NB:30-55k is a VERY common salary range for master's degrees in Europe, while 100k+ salaries are VERY rare. On the other hand I'm pretty sure most master's degrees are in the range of 50-100k dollars in America according to several American friends, hence why I chose these numbers (sure, some masters will allow you to go over 150-200k dollars, but that's the exception, so I'm not going that far)

So it doesn't sound like a super anti-work thread, but I see people mentioning this kind of subject (EU vs NA salaries), and I was wondering: if you could move to a decent major Western European country and to a big city (not necessarily Paris or London mind you, you could go for something cheaper), with a BA and a MA in your pocket, would you accept a lower salary?

NB:30-55k is a VERY common salary range for master's degrees in Europe, while 100k+ salaries are VERY rare. On the other hand I'm pretty sure most master's degrees are in the range of 50-100k dollars in America according to several American friends, hence why I chose these numbers (sure, some masters will allow you to go over 150-200k dollars, but that's the exception, so I'm not going that far)

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