
40 hours a week is lazy?

One thing I hate about the modern work environment is working your regularly scheduled hours is considered doing the bare minimum. My work hours are 8-5 min-Fri. When I’m at work I bust my ass for my regularly scheduled work hours. But when it’s time to go home I go home and I don’t think about work until 8 am the next day. And because I’m like the only one that doesn’t work overtime every week I’m looked at as the lazy one because I don’t work more than the hours I agreed upon when I was hired. Sorry I believe in a work life balance and I don’t want to be consumed by my work 24/7.

One thing I hate about the modern work environment is working your regularly scheduled hours is considered doing the bare minimum. My work hours are 8-5 min-Fri. When I’m at work I bust my ass for my regularly scheduled work hours. But when it’s time to go home I go home and I don’t think about work until 8 am the next day. And because I’m like the only one that doesn’t work overtime every week I’m looked at as the lazy one because I don’t work more than the hours I agreed upon when I was hired. Sorry I believe in a work life balance and I don’t want to be consumed by my work 24/7.

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