
5 hour work shift, or University Meeting?

Had the pleasure of receiving an email this morning (roughly 11:30am) about a meeting for majors in our department that we have to attend at 7pm. I said that I had work, but they still insisted I come in. So I now had the even bigger pleasure of having to call in on my 4-9pm shift at a grocery store deli department. I offer to work 4-6:30, to atleast give them something. Assistant manager passes the phone off to manager, and she starts getting all pissy. Wants me in for the full shift, no compromise, should have given more notice, we give you the schedule two weeks in advance (they did not) and you should honor it, etc. Overscheduled me last week for 4 shifts (I asked for 2-3, ended up with 3 after directly telling her I couldn't do 4) and tried to use that as leverage over me…

Had the pleasure of receiving an email this morning (roughly 11:30am) about a meeting for majors in our department that we have to attend at 7pm. I said that I had work, but they still insisted I come in. So I now had the even bigger pleasure of having to call in on my 4-9pm shift at a grocery store deli department.

I offer to work 4-6:30, to atleast give them something. Assistant manager passes the phone off to manager, and she starts getting all pissy. Wants me in for the full shift, no compromise, should have given more notice, we give you the schedule two weeks in advance (they did not) and you should honor it, etc.

Overscheduled me last week for 4 shifts (I asked for 2-3, ended up with 3 after directly telling her I couldn't do 4) and tried to use that as leverage over me taking a day off this week. She told me to call other coworkers and see if they could cover my shift, to which I responded that I don't have anyone's numbers. They aren't displayed out for anyone to see, stashed off in some drawer. Instead of offering them to me she tells me to call back and get them. I say ok and hang up.

Queue a nice couple minute, rage fueled walk around campus. I found a nice ring, anyways.

Once I cooled off, called back to get the numbers from the assistant manager. He gave me the four that were available today, two didn't answer, two couldn't come in.

Sat on it for an hour through class and called back to tell them, and reiterate I'm not coming in. Assistant manager is insistent I should come in (though he says he understands the situation I'm in, I thanked him for that much) and tried to convince me to skip the meeting and come in anyways. Told me to also call the two people who didn't answer back (now two hours before the shift) and if I REALLY couldn't cover the shift, to call back again to speak to the manager.

Might be written like a rant, I apologize, currently sitting in my car fuming. Am I wrong to refuse to call back again?

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