
5 ways to tell if your boss never quit her previous job, doing the same thing for a different company.

edit: just to be clear, this was a corporate, 9 to 5 remote office job. Jobs. “I keep getting double booked for calls” when the company uses Outlook and double-booking is kind of a hard thing to do. “Whatever I told you to do before, ignore that and do it this way.” She rarely read emails, unless directed by HER boss because the deadline for a message from 2 weeks ago is TODAY. Gives you a LOT of what feels like busywork that has no real deadline, no actual results, but can keep you distracted for a long time. You used to work at the same other company, and a friend from there texts you asking, “How is it she's YOUR boss if she's on a manager call right now, here, at this company?” This has been the most insane month of my life. Glad it's over, glad she's gone…

edit: just to be clear, this was a corporate, 9 to 5 remote office job. Jobs.

  1. “I keep getting double booked for calls” when the company uses Outlook and double-booking is kind of a hard thing to do.
  2. “Whatever I told you to do before, ignore that and do it this way.”
  3. She rarely read emails, unless directed by HER boss because the deadline for a message from 2 weeks ago is TODAY.
  4. Gives you a LOT of what feels like busywork that has no real deadline, no actual results, but can keep you distracted for a long time.
  5. You used to work at the same other company, and a friend from there texts you asking, “How is it she's YOUR boss if she's on a manager call right now, here, at this company?”

This has been the most insane month of my life. Glad it's over, glad she's gone (from both companies), glad I quit a company that couldn't tell after FIFTEEN MONTHS that she wasn't quite legit.

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