
$6 a hour delivery job expects us to spend a $1 for bottles and 50 cent for cans after we get one free drink a shift, I’m not alone in seeing that this is completely asinine and a reason to put a two weeks in right?

So me (m 22) works at a little local food place as a delivery driver. I have worked at countless food delivery jobs and the issue of drinks has never been a issue at all and bosses pretty much expect to give drinks out to their customers. Been at place since later February and we have had countless turnovers and so many more issues could become a thread itself. Today I get told of the new rule in the title and it takes all of my power not to laugh in their faces for not even being able to do the bare minimum for their employees. I come in on days off, train new employees when not paid and I feel like I’m kinda being screwed over. Am I being overreactive or is this as ridiculous as I think it is?

So me (m 22) works at a little local food place as a delivery driver. I have worked at countless food delivery jobs and the issue of drinks has never been a issue at all and bosses pretty much expect to give drinks out to their customers. Been at place since later February and we have had countless turnovers and so many more issues could become a thread itself. Today I get told of the new rule in the title and it takes all of my power not to laugh in their faces for not even being able to do the bare minimum for their employees. I come in on days off, train new employees when not paid and I feel like I’m kinda being screwed over. Am I being overreactive or is this as ridiculous as I think it is?

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