
Lying on your resume works

Basically, I am a 26 year old construction worker but I was sick of backbreaking work for the past 8 years of my life. The money was good but I wanted something where I could just sit in an office and work an easy 9-5 job for good pay. However, the jobs I wanted required a boat-load of qualifications I did not have (College, Experience, yadda yadda). Therefore, I completely falsified a resume and put that I went to a prestigious university and worked at a couple Fortune 500 companies following graduation. As of today, I just landed a six figure contract working at an ACTUAL Fortune 500 company as an account manager. I have no idea what I am going to do when I actually have to do what the job entails, but I think I can figure it out. Godspeed.

Basically, I am a 26 year old construction worker but I was sick of backbreaking work for the past 8 years of my life. The money was good but I wanted something where I could just sit in an office and work an easy 9-5 job for good pay. However, the jobs I wanted required a boat-load of qualifications I did not have (College, Experience, yadda yadda). Therefore, I completely falsified a resume and put that I went to a prestigious university and worked at a couple Fortune 500 companies following graduation. As of today, I just landed a six figure contract working at an ACTUAL Fortune 500 company as an account manager. I have no idea what I am going to do when I actually have to do what the job entails, but I think I can figure it out. Godspeed.

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