
Blue/White-collar divide is by design.

There seems to be a huge divide between blue/white-collar workers. Each think of themselves as better than the other in certain ways and the attitude plays out in their interactions. But really it is such a pointless division when you consider that both are working for someone else's profits and have zero ownership of the product of their labor. I think both groups of workers have been isolated and fed lies about the other group through media, even though both are essential for a functioning economy. Why do they seem to hate each other and not their bosses/business owners? The blue-collar worker sees the white-collar one as lazy and entitled, while the latter sees the former as uneducated and replaceable, but both are just trying to survive the rat race in their own ways. Both are working class. If these groups were united, just imagine what they could accomplish.

There seems to be a huge divide between blue/white-collar workers. Each think of themselves as better than the other in certain ways and the attitude plays out in their interactions. But really it is such a pointless division when you consider that both are working for someone else's profits and have zero ownership of the product of their labor. I think both groups of workers have been isolated and fed lies about the other group through media, even though both are essential for a functioning economy. Why do they seem to hate each other and not their bosses/business owners? The blue-collar worker sees the white-collar one as lazy and entitled, while the latter sees the former as uneducated and replaceable, but both are just trying to survive the rat race in their own ways. Both are working class. If these groups were united, just imagine what they could accomplish.

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