
Just found out my Store Manager could be paying $15 Minimum wage as well as increasing myself and others rates but won’t

I work in retail in PA for a pretty big supermarket Chain a local one owned by a bigger company who's main HQ's are out West. My former assistant Manager was in yesterday and asked if I wanted to or when I could come help him at his store and they make $15 an hour to start there. WTF? first how I asked? he said they are different Union despite the same district. I told him I'm not sure how much I could help as my team in my department is loosing a guy soon so I'll probably be getting his wages. He's a fairly good boss and I know his family as I went to school with his cousin. I'm by no means an ass kisser to upper management but I will gladly take advantage of situations that I get more $$$ and hrs and most would too. When…

I work in retail in PA for a pretty big supermarket Chain a local one owned by a bigger company who's main HQ's are out West. My former assistant Manager was in yesterday and asked if I wanted to or when I could come help him at his store and they make $15 an hour to start there. WTF? first how I asked? he said they are different Union despite the same district. I told him I'm not sure how much I could help as my team in my department is loosing a guy soon so I'll probably be getting his wages. He's a fairly good boss and I know his family as I went to school with his cousin. I'm by no means an ass kisser to upper management but I will gladly take advantage of situations that I get more $$$ and hrs and most would too.

When I went to tell a coworker he said he was talking to our Union Store rep who is another employee who said it's not based on the Union per say. Or Store manager could get approval and it's up to him to start at $15 but he'd also have to increase the rate of everyone else who makes $15 or more to offset the starting rate which is normal as we'd all be pretty Pissed if they didn't. He just doesn't want to do it because it effects his bonus and he's always been cheap. This guy is 74 yrs old and should be retired. His wife left him after he came into work after an incident when they were on vacation at the Jersey Shore and ended it early. Also because he wouldn't retire. So my store manager is passed due to get the hell out of there. Know at least 2-4 coworkers a raise increase would help tremendously and this asshole is busy on a 2 week vacation at his shore house while he has employees struggling to make it through a week to get food on the table and get their kids a decent education.

Considering the store is a bit further and I don't have a license there are 2 stores in my general area same company I could probably maybe transfer too if I can get my hours and pay upped. This just really pisses me off. I'm not in dire need of the money like some people are but at the same time I'm also always worried about finances and have multiple things for myself other then rent to do. One is new work shoes, a new pair of shoes to begin with and some new clothes as a lot of mine aren't fitting.

Should I go around the store causing a scene telling all my coworkers about this? Maybe we can put some pressure on them to up the pay? Maybe a store strike? WOULD HATE TO SEE THE STORE NOT SERVING PEOPLE WITH 4Th OF JULY COMING UP WINK WINK….

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