
How to quit my part time job through text

This might not be the right place but I just need some guidance. Sorry this is a little long. I started a part time job (agreed upon 1 day a week) in may. The interview was fine other than the manager being very pushy to get me to work for them. I agreed because 1 day a week for the most money I’ve made in this field while my ACL heals sounded perfect. Especially with the opportunity to add one other day a week in their office that is in a bordering state (1.5 hours away, 1 way) Since I started I have been pushed to get a license in my field in the bordering state by my manager, so I can “hopefully work full time between both offices”. Pushed to move to the bordering state (I just moved 3 hours away from my home town to be with my…

This might not be the right place but I just need some guidance. Sorry this is a little long.

I started a part time job (agreed upon 1 day a week) in may. The interview was fine other than the manager being very pushy to get me to work for them. I agreed because 1 day a week for the most money I’ve made in this field while my ACL heals sounded perfect. Especially with the opportunity to add one other day a week in their office that is in a bordering state (1.5 hours away, 1 way) Since I started I have been pushed to get a license in my field in the bordering state by my manager, so I can “hopefully work full time between both offices”. Pushed to move to the bordering state (I just moved 3 hours away from my home town to be with my boyfriend at the house he owns with our 5 dogs in December 2021.. tell me how that’s gonna work)manager also told me she is the wife of the boss, after I got hired. Which has always been something I absolutely always 100% avoided after working with my first husband/wife team. I’m pretty proficient in my field and am a fast learner, so I jumped right into working. The first day my manager was over my shoulder, which was to be expected. The second day , she did not work. Fine with me , the day went very smoothly. The last 6 weeks she and a receptionist have micromanaged me to the point where I’m looking at indeed in the bathroom on my break. She made me sign an NDA 4 weeks into my employment which I have never heard of in my field and we have laws that protect our customers so it’s really not a thing. The NDA mainly said that I can’t talk about my pay with other employees, customers out side of work, and cannot talk about work things with my co workers. The NDA was never mentioned before and was handed to me again n between customers with “i need my pen back”. I signed it but never got a copy.

So this week after my shift I had had enough. I applied to another job that is in my field but about 45 minutes from my house. I got a phone call immediately and scheduled an interview for the next day. The interview went great, the boss seems normal and kind, the girl I would be working with made me feel comfortable enough to swear multiple times which I didn’t realize until way after lol. Anyway, just all around good vibes. I accepted the job for better pay and 3 days a week with more benefits.

My dilemma is , my manager at 1 day a week job and I only communicate through text because I have shit service at my house and really for miles.. how do respectfully quit through text? That place just gave me the wrong vibes and I know I would regret staying in the future. Sorry for formatting and spelling, my phone is being a wiener

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