
Doing 3 peoples job for less pay than my newer co worker

Hi all. Someone said this was a place to talk about my issues and get some advice. So here it is. I have been at my job (I am an accountant for a major company) for almost a year now. Todays issue: my boss got mad at me when she emailed me at 3:46 when I clock out at 4 that I didn’t do edits while I was working on another project. The email was not labeled as urgent, important etc. she then called me 7 minutes before I clock out and got mad at me for not doing the edits. I had no clue she needed it done so quickly. She didn’t even message me on teams. Over all issues: I have been doing 3 peoples jobs. I currently am in charge of about 10 things daily. My co worker? He does 3 things. I recently found out as…

Hi all. Someone said this was a place to talk about my issues and get some advice.

So here it is. I have been at my job (I am an accountant for a major company) for almost a year now.

Todays issue: my boss got mad at me when she emailed me at 3:46 when I clock out at 4 that I didn’t do edits while I was working on another project. The email was not labeled as urgent, important etc. she then called me 7 minutes before I clock out and got mad at me for not doing the edits. I had no clue she needed it done so quickly. She didn’t even message me on teams.

Over all issues: I have been doing 3 peoples jobs. I currently am in charge of about 10 things daily. My co worker? He does 3 things. I recently found out as well that my newer co worker got a raise only 2-4 months into the job. I have never Received a raise. Ever.

One of my co workers has his aunt in upper management so he is allowed to do nothing. My numbers have been consistent and I have proof of it. I also have been made fun of, ignored and over all treated differently than my co workers. My boss will go around the office and talk to everyone but me. Even the person next to my cubical. And ignore me. Send me passive aggressive emails/ messages and so much more.

The main issue is this. I just found out I’m pregnant. I was planning on leaving. I was applying to places. But then I found out. I want to make it till the baby comes, and then quit. But I don’t know if I can make it. I feel trapped. I will be stay at home mom once the baby comes, but we need to do some saving.

Any advice? Thank you

Edit: they also made me change my jury duty dates as well as almost denied me a day off when I asked almost 2 months ahead of time

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