
After two years of fighting for fair compensation I got a 9$ raise

The company I worked for has about 50,000 employees. A raise approval for all of the grunts on the ground has to go all the way up the chain to the guy second from the top, it's insane. After 2 years of empty promises, manipulation and delayed raises I finally worked my last day there today! I had been looking for another job for over a year. I did land an interview with a competing company but they ended up hiring someone else (ironically another coworker). At the time I had asked for 30/hour to attract me to his company (was making 25/hr). 8 months later he contacts me and asks me if I'm still interested as the other guy didn't work out. I took this 30/hr offer to my manager. After a few days they agree to increase my hourly rate by 2$ to 27$/hr, less than the other…

The company I worked for has about 50,000 employees. A raise approval for all of the grunts on the ground has to go all the way up the chain to the guy second from the top, it's insane. After 2 years of empty promises, manipulation and delayed raises I finally worked my last day there today!

I had been looking for another job for over a year. I did land an interview with a competing company but they ended up hiring someone else (ironically another coworker). At the time I had asked for 30/hour to attract me to his company (was making 25/hr).

8 months later he contacts me and asks me if I'm still interested as the other guy didn't work out. I took this 30/hr offer to my manager. After a few days they agree to increase my hourly rate by 2$ to 27$/hr, less than the other offer but enough to keep me around. I agreed. Only this was all communicated verbally and after I turned down the other offer they backpedalled and said that it was conditional upon my performance review. They of course delayed the review by 3 months and then finally even after a great review they took another 6 weeks to look into a possible raise. Fuck me.

I had also doubled down with the other potential employer when they offered me 30$/hr, stating that I would now need 34/hr with matching benefits and vacation pay to attract me to leave my current company as I had increased my skills and experience since we had first spoken 8 months ago. It was a risky move but he said he would possibly consider it later in the year.

Another 4 months goes by and he invites me back for another interview and offers me the job with everything I had asked for. 9$ more an hour for half the caseload and less stress!

The moral of the story: bet on yourself. You are worth it and sometimes it pays off big. Know your value and don't let a shitty company decide your worth or convince you that you aren't actually worth what you are. Sell yourself and your skills. Just like you wouldnt settle for an abusive partner, dont settle for an abusive employer. Lastly, the biggest increases truly do come from changing companies, not fighting for raises where you are. Hopefully this inspires some of you!

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