
Why don’t Comapny get this simple logic, that its evey single cog in the watch has to work and each and every part is important not just the Hands that shows time on display !!!

Why do managers treat people like they are disposal ?? Why do they think company mindset is their own mindset ?, like if company says more than 3 mins late is half a days paycut, why do they feel that they have saylve thisoney and find every employee who comes late even at 4 mins ??? Do they think all these momey saved is going in their pocket or they just love being sadist and see their fellow mate suffer ??

Why do managers treat people like they are disposal ??

Why do they think company mindset is their own mindset ?, like if company says more than 3 mins late is half a days paycut, why do they feel that they have saylve thisoney and find every employee who comes late even at 4 mins ???

Do they think all these momey saved is going in their pocket or they just love being sadist and see their fellow mate suffer ??

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