
Interviewer didn’t show up – and then got mad because I didn’t want to reschedule

So yesterday I had an interview with a company at 11am. This was my second interview, the first one went pretty well as far as interviews go. It was a zoom interview, so I enter the call about 5 minutes before it is set to begin. 15 minutes go by and the interviewer still hasn’t shown up, so I email the HR recruiter from the company and let her know that I’m in the call and the interviewer has not shown up yet. Of course no response. I wait another 20 minutes and then I leave the call, because at this point I’m just pissed off. I’ve had this interview planned for weeks and was excited about a new opportunity because my current job is absolute shit and I’ve been feeling so depressed there. About an hour after I leave the call, I get a phone call from the recruiter.…

So yesterday I had an interview with a company at 11am. This was my second interview, the first one went pretty well as far as interviews go. It was a zoom interview, so I enter the call about 5 minutes before it is set to begin. 15 minutes go by and the interviewer still hasn’t shown up, so I email the HR recruiter from the company and let her know that I’m in the call and the interviewer has not shown up yet. Of course no response. I wait another 20 minutes and then I leave the call, because at this point I’m just pissed off. I’ve had this interview planned for weeks and was excited about a new opportunity because my current job is absolute shit and I’ve been feeling so depressed there.

About an hour after I leave the call, I get a phone call from the recruiter. She barely apologizes for the interviewer not showing up, does not give any reason as to why they were a no-show. She asks me if I can reschedule for later in the day. I was very pissed at this point so I just told her no thank you, I do not want to work for a company that does not value people’s time. She then got a major attitude and said I needed to work on my professionalism and be more flexible and understanding if I ever wanted to land a job in my field. LMAO. the nerve to tell me I’m unprofessional when the interviewer is the one that didn’t bother to show up. I literally took time off my current job and lost a few hours worth of pay just for this bitch to not even show up…

I am so done with the job search process. I’m so done faking it and being “professional” aka letting companies walk all over you. The funny thing is, if a job applicant was the one that didn’t show up to interview they would immediately disqualify you from the job, but yet when they do it it’s ok and you’re expected to reschedule. In the past, I would have put up with this bullshit and probably rescheduled but reading this sub and experiencing shitty employers that do not give a fuck has taught me not to put up with any shit from companies. Fuck it. I’m done. Anyone else ever experienced shut like this in the job search process??

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