
Scheduled break time is a dick move…

I've been thinking about this a lot recently and the more I think about it, the more I see it's in fact a freaking dick move. Why I think that? First of all, Commute + an 8 hour shift = 10 hours easily. Most jobs make sure to squeeze the last drop of your working capacity everyday, which means you are fucking burned out by Tuesday. Most people skip breakfast in order to not be late at work. Now here comes the big problem. Most break times/lunch times are scheduled at noon or even later based on whatever fucking principle which states lunch is supposed to be at noon. Who the fuck said that. The thing is what do I do if I'm hungry at 10? 10:30? 11:30? Nothing. I can do nothing. If you are even bothering to ask the permission to eat something, you get a long fucking…

I've been thinking about this a lot recently and the more I think about it, the more I see it's in fact a freaking dick move. Why I think that?

First of all, Commute + an 8 hour shift = 10 hours easily. Most jobs make sure to squeeze the last drop of your working capacity everyday, which means you are fucking burned out by Tuesday. Most people skip breakfast in order to not be late at work. Now here comes the big problem. Most break times/lunch times are scheduled at noon or even later based on whatever fucking principle which states lunch is supposed to be at noon. Who the fuck said that. The thing is what do I do if I'm hungry at 10? 10:30? 11:30? Nothing. I can do nothing. If you are even bothering to ask the permission to eat something, you get a long fucking lecture about how you should respect your SCHEDULED break time. Oh and you cannot eat at your work station/desk. It simply means THEY get to decide when YOU get to eat. On the long run this lead to serious health problems. You are meant to eat when YOU are hungry, not when someone tells you to eat. Honestly I cannot have the “FULL FOCUS” DEMANDED if I'm hungry.

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