
Worst interview ever.

Im going to a trade school to become an electrical technician. Someone from career services told me there's a security company that needed techs. He told me the job payed 25 dollars an hour. It was little more than an hour drive but $25 dollars right out of school was too good to pass. I showed up on time and no one is there. I wait for about 5 minutes and the secretary shows up and lets me in. I asked her when is the interview going to start and she said oh just wait for the manager in this office. She then said be prepared to wait because he is always late. Red flags are going off in my mind but I already drove an hour to get there and $25 dollars an hour motivated me to stay. ONE HOUR LATER I'm pissed and I asked the secretary hey…

Im going to a trade school to become an electrical technician. Someone from career services told me there's a security company that needed techs. He told me the job payed 25 dollars an hour. It was little more than an hour drive but $25 dollars right out of school was too good to pass. I showed up on time and no one is there. I wait for about 5 minutes and the secretary shows up and lets me in. I asked her when is the interview going to start and she said oh just wait for the manager in this office. She then said be prepared to wait because he is always late. Red flags are going off in my mind but I already drove an hour to get there and $25 dollars an hour motivated me to stay. ONE HOUR LATER I'm pissed and I asked the secretary hey is the interview going to happen? She said that the manager just text her and he is 10 minutes away. I should of just left but my greed kept me there. ONE HOUR AFTER THAT the manager strolled in and told me I'm late to interviews on purpose so I can find patient people. I tried to stay professional and I do pretty well in the interview. He wanted to hire me on the spot but I always ask about benefits and pay before I say yes. He said with the biggest smile it pays $90 a day. I was so confused. I let him know that career services said $25 an hour. He said plainly that he always tell them that so he can have the most techs come in and interview. He starts complaining how no one wants to work anymore and it's so hard to find people. I was so pissed that I told him I would take the job. He told me to start Monday. I'm not going to go. I just hope he gets pissed off and tries to call me asking why I didn't show. I'm planning on saying I jUsT Don'T WaNt To wOrk No moRe.

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