

I think we need to start talking about housing in the USA. The situation has devolved from difficult to a humanitarian crisis. On one hand we have 400sq-ft studios requiring $30/hr to qualify and on the other we have reports all over the place of people getting hit with hundreds of dollars of rent increases. Buying property has become completely inaccessible to the working class. And forget going out into the sticks, remote workers have snatched up everything. How many people are stuck in abusive households because they can't leave? How many people are stuck trying to raise a kid in a 1 bedroom apartment because they cant afford or can't find an available 2 bedroom. How many people are stuck in their state or city because there is nothing remotely affordable anywhere else? The mobility of the working class has been virtually eliminated. The ability of the working class…

I think we need to start talking about housing in the USA. The situation has devolved from difficult to a humanitarian crisis. On one hand we have 400sq-ft studios requiring $30/hr to qualify and on the other we have reports all over the place of people getting hit with hundreds of dollars of rent increases. Buying property has become completely inaccessible to the working class. And forget going out into the sticks, remote workers have snatched up everything.

How many people are stuck in abusive households because they can't leave? How many people are stuck trying to raise a kid in a 1 bedroom apartment because they cant afford or can't find an available 2 bedroom. How many people are stuck in their state or city because there is nothing remotely affordable anywhere else?

The mobility of the working class has been virtually eliminated. The ability of the working class to define their life by their location has been virtually eliminated. We need relief now. And if the US Govt can't provide it we need to solicit international aid.

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