
I should’ve known better

I’ve been working for my company for 2 years. It’s a start up, I joined right before the first covid-19 lockdown, taking a pay cut as I thought this was a better move for my career. I was promised training which 2 years later still hasn’t materialised. When I joined there was no system or training in place for the job, I was left on my own, I have worked hard and figured things out over the last two years, anything that exists now in the department has been built partly by me and two other guys, one of whom left a year ago. I started on less money than the new hires now do, and now still make the same money as the new hires, who I’m expected to train. Everyone else who has been here as long as I have has had new raises. I went to the…

I’ve been working for my company for 2 years. It’s a start up, I joined right before the first covid-19 lockdown, taking a pay cut as I thought this was a better move for my career. I was promised training which 2 years later still hasn’t materialised.
When I joined there was no system or training in place for the job, I was left on my own, I have worked hard and figured things out over the last two years, anything that exists now in the department has been built partly by me and two other guys, one of whom left a year ago.

I started on less money than the new hires now do, and now still make the same money as the new hires, who I’m expected to train. Everyone else who has been here as long as I have has had new raises. I went to the boss and said this is not really working and I deserve more money, then I handed in my notice as he was not willing to give me a raise. His comments instead were asking me to work longer than my notice period to help them and to document what I know so they can use it.

So essentially admitting that I have knowledge they want, not willing to pay me for it, but want me to document it for them. Insane.

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