
Petty Boss Problems

A couple months back my manager asked me to take a sales associate job because the old person was moving so she took a new job within the company. Me not liking sales and being overtly cautious about strenuous jobs asked her (old sales associate) what the job was like and told her to be painfully honest. She ended up telling me that I would be working constantly, even from home, and would have to be producing some programs and that she thought the money wasn't bad but not worth it. I like to shut off when I get home and not have to worry about the repercussions if I miss a day of work (having to catch up on work) therefore I decided not to take the job. One of my coworkers took it instead and now she is absolutely miserable because she had to do her work plus…

A couple months back my manager asked me to take a sales associate job because the old person was moving so she took a new job within the company. Me not liking sales and being overtly cautious about strenuous jobs asked her (old sales associate) what the job was like and told her to be painfully honest. She ended up telling me that I would be working constantly, even from home, and would have to be producing some programs and that she thought the money wasn't bad but not worth it. I like to shut off when I get home and not have to worry about the repercussions if I miss a day of work (having to catch up on work) therefore I decided not to take the job. One of my coworkers took it instead and now she is absolutely miserable because she had to do her work plus her bosses work and can't even take a sick day. I really am glad I dodged that bullet.

Fast forward to a month or so ago and I have a day off. On the same day we were having a road show sort of party thing. The day before my supervisor messages me and all but demands that I come in so that the girl I trained (new girl) can go on the road show instead. I told them I'm not doing it because I already made plans for my day off and it's pointless for me to cancel my plans to sit in the office alone. (My plans were super important guys…I had to stay home and sleep.)

Now my supervisor is going to be doing the work of someone who is going on maternity leave so she needs someone to do her work. Instead off tapping me (this is something I would willingly do because it's easy and I wanna show them that can run the place in a not shit show kind of way) they tapped the new girl. According to the new girl she doesn't wanna do it but she said yes anyways and now she keeps emailing and messaging me like she's already my boss.

I don't wholly blame the new girl because shes just a bootlicker at best and I know the fact that I didn't take that first sales job is why my manager and boss are passing me up (maybe a little bit of the push back that I gave about coming in on my day off). Like idk how you can claim to be a supervisor and manager and be petty as fuck.

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