
They lied to us and laid off half of my department

I'm still in that wtf mode and texts are pouring in from other colleagues trying to find out what happened. Last week they laid off almost half of engineering and our head of department brought us into a meeting and told us, “do not worry, your jobs are safe.” Safe my ass, the reason why he thought our jobs are safe is because his own job wasn't safe. He, along with another upper manager both got laid off. Multiple people on my team were laid off and they laid off the entire logistics team except for ONE person, who called me after and told me they didn't even warn her that she'd be the ONLY ONE LEFT taking on the responsibility of four. I know what happened, politics were at play and an asshole slithered his way to the top and cut off anyone in his way. People he liked…

I'm still in that wtf mode and texts are pouring in from other colleagues trying to find out what happened. Last week they laid off almost half of engineering and our head of department brought us into a meeting and told us, “do not worry, your jobs are safe.” Safe my ass, the reason why he thought our jobs are safe is because his own job wasn't safe. He, along with another upper manager both got laid off. Multiple people on my team were laid off and they laid off the entire logistics team except for ONE person, who called me after and told me they didn't even warn her that she'd be the ONLY ONE LEFT taking on the responsibility of four.

I know what happened, politics were at play and an asshole slithered his way to the top and cut off anyone in his way. People he liked stayed, and everyone above him or at his level were laid off. He is the worst manager and the worst person I've ever worked with. He blames everyone else for anything that happens, takes zero accountability, spreads wrong information, and is generally just a POS. Of course he stays.

If the CEO doesn't see that after 7 people from my department left on their own in the last 6 months and all reported that they left because of the asshole, then at this point I can't even blame the asshole.

The company is going down, and I'm not sticking around waiting to drown with it.

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