
Burnt on my job and figured y’all would appreciate this one.

I’ve just been so dead at my job for so long now. I’ve been working seven days a week for over two years now. They give us the odd weekends off here and there and holidays but it’s still less than a weekend a month. hell, They even promised us this Saturday-Tuesday off for the 4th but just last week decided we’d work the weekend and now only get Monday and Tuesday off. There’s also frequent overtime for the newer people if they don’t get enough volunteers. We have a union which means we get paid remarkably well for the industry and area. But what good is a union if they can’t even get you a day off. I want to leave but I’m trapped by the good pay because any similar job would be roughly a $6 an hour pay decrease, not to mention not getting the money for…

I’ve just been so dead at my job for so long now. I’ve been working seven days a week for over two years now. They give us the odd weekends off here and there and holidays but it’s still less than a weekend a month. hell, They even promised us this Saturday-Tuesday off for the 4th but just last week decided we’d work the weekend and now only get Monday and Tuesday off. There’s also frequent overtime for the newer people if they don’t get enough volunteers. We have a union which means we get paid remarkably well for the industry and area. But what good is a union if they can’t even get you a day off. I want to leave but I’m trapped by the good pay because any similar job would be roughly a $6 an hour pay decrease, not to mention not getting the money for overtime pay on the weekends. So it’s getting me out of my debts. But at what cost.

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