
Labour shortage is literally a myth

All those hiring signs and stores/restaurants literally leaving applications out is a scam. They will take your information and resume and sell that information. I tried looking for a summer job on Indeed, literally, every job is minimum wage and requires 2+ years of experience and certifications. All those positions had 100+ applicants. One even had 8,000 applicants for one minimum wage job. This whole labour shortage narrative is a scheme by companies to pressure the government into stopping Covid-19 unemployment and benefits and getting tax cuts.

All those hiring signs and stores/restaurants literally leaving applications out is a scam. They will take your information and resume and sell that information. I tried looking for a summer job on Indeed, literally, every job is minimum wage and requires 2+ years of experience and certifications. All those positions had 100+ applicants. One even had 8,000 applicants for one minimum wage job. This whole labour shortage narrative is a scheme by companies to pressure the government into stopping Covid-19 unemployment and benefits and getting tax cuts.

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